Walero Keep Your Cool Base Layers – Britcar Drivers 10%

Britcar drivers benefit from 10% off Walero products up to the end of 2015.
Walero provided us some information about their products:
“Walero base layers are the brainchild of Fiona James, a GT3 driver, they have been tried & tested in just about every situation during development, from ski-ing, cycling, & hill walking as well as in race cars by several people.
They came about when Fiona was looking at the technology for an equine product & asked if it was possible to add this into flame retardant fabric. Having experienced first hand the temperatures in a racecar, Fiona was keen to look at different ways to help reduce the heat stress suffered by drivers having found nothing suitable on the market that either didn’t cost huge sums of money or add lots of weight to the car.
Another thing Fiona was keen to address was the not so pleasant whiff of her kit bag after a weekends racing!
And so Walero was born. Fiona’s recently retired Olympic dressage horse was the inspiration & provided the name, & Fiona’s love of motorsports spurred things on.
What makes Walero products stand out from the crowd is the ability to actively regulate your temperature using technology developed for NASA to keep their astronauts never too hot, never too cold, but always just right. This uses microcapsules of a phase change material (pcm), which is incorporated into the yarn before the fabric is woven. It absorbs the heat energy. This will last for the lifespan of the garments.
The other technology we have utilised is an environmentally friendly anti-microbial additive. This works on bio-mimicry & was based on something the African Claw Toed Frog produces naturally! This will have a long lifespan in the garments but we are bringing out a laundry wash re-charge liquid so you can have all your kit smelling as sweet as you!
We do have other products coming out soon, including balaclavas, socks, & helmet (& boot!) sanitiser. There is also a second colour choice coming out soon.
Available exclusively through Grand Prix Racewear in the UK or direct with Walero www.walero.uk or for more information & testimonials.”