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Ian Loggie Prepares for full BEC season

Ian Loggie – Success on the Cards with Team Parker Package?


After a brief toe-in-the water foray into the British Endurance Championship last year, Ian Loggie has committed to a full season in 2013, racing a Porsche 911 Cup machine, run by Team Parker Racing, and partnered once again by Chris Jones.

Ian’s career in racing has been brief, but almost mercurial; buoyed by some corporate Track Day exploits, he took in a couple of Porsche Boxster races towards the end of 2010, before campaigning the whole series in 2011. Last season saw his company, Logson, sponsor the Boxster series, with Ian racing a limited programme, as his attention turned to a recently-acquired 911 Cup car.


This season, Logson will sponsor 2012 Boxster champion Rick Styrin, whilst Ian concentrates on a full season in the BEC, with some excursions into other series.

Like many gentlemen racers, Ian comes to the track in search of speed and adventure rather than as a life-long fan of motorsport, as he explains; “I got into Track Days with MSV at Bedford, as a corporate guest, then ran one by my own company. I found that I was quite successful, often posting the fastest times, so I bought a Lotus Exige, and got a bit more serious. That’s where I met Chris Jones – he was an instructor at my local track, Oulton Park, and also my ARDS examiner, added to which, we only live a mile apart, so it’s easy to stay in touch”. It was with Chris, who has raced in Britcar Production in the past, that Ian took his first steps into endurance racing last year, and the partnership continues for 2013, though in a different Porsche 911.

“Last year I ran a 2009 car, but I’ve sold that now, and for this season I’ve bought one of Team Parker’s 2012 Carrera Cup cars” says Ian, and it is that particular championship where he has set his sights for the future, the BEC being part of a master plan.”It’s part of my progression to the Carrera Cup in 2014”, he admitted, adding “I chose Team Parker Racing because of their success in that championship, they are a solid team, run by Stuart Parker and Julian Westwood, who are both very competitive. I chose the BEC because I can get maximum track time, but I also need some sprint race experience, so I’ll be doing a few Boxster races too, and some GT Cup rounds in the 911, and towards the end of the season, we’ll be disabling the ABS in the 911, to replicate the Carrera Cup spec.  The thing I realised last year is that endurance racing is great for the whole team, it’s not just about the driver. From the team manager down to the guy who cleans the wheels, they’re all part of it, they all contribute. It’s exciting for them, and I think Team Parker are looking forward to this season”.


loggie1.jpgThe endurance aspect will pose no problems for the amiable Scotsman either, as he regularly competes in triathlons, keeping fit in middle-age.

With this level of backing and commitment, failure is not an option for Ian Loggie: ”There’s an awful lot of effort going in to this in the background. We’re in this to win it.”

A strong prediction from a man with a definite plan.

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